How to install Master Royale on iOS

If you are an iOS developer looking to add Master Royale to your app’s feature set, this comprehensive guide will walk you through the installation process step-by-step. We will cover everything from preparing your app to installing and configuring the plugin, ensuring that it is optimized for maximum performance and user engagement.

What is Master Royale?

Master Royale is a popular real-time multiplayer game engine for iOS developers. It allows you to create engaging and interactive games that can be played by multiple players over the internet, with minimal coding required. The engine includes a variety of features such as physics simulation, networked animations, and support for multiple devices, making it an excellent choice for developers looking to add multiplayer functionality to their apps.

The Benefits of Master Royale

There are many benefits to using Master Royale in your iOS app. Here are just a few:

    • Increased user engagement: With real-time multiplayer games, users can interact with each other and compete against each other, leading to increased engagement and retention rates.
    • Minimal coding required: Master Royale includes a variety of pre-built assets and features that make it easy for developers to create engaging games without needing extensive coding experience.
    • Support for multiple devices: Master Royale supports multiple devices, including smartphones and tablets, making it an excellent choice for cross-platform development.
    • The Benefits of Master Royale

    • Customization options: Master Royale includes a variety of customization options, allowing developers to tailor the engine to their specific needs.

    Preparing Your App

    Before you can install Master Royale in your app, you need to prepare it. Here are the steps to follow:

    1. Create a new Xcode project or select an existing one.
    2. Open the .xcworkspace file for your project in Xcode.
    3. Add a new framework to your project by going to File > Project Navigator > Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content. Click on the “+” button and select the Master Royale framework.
    4. Clean your project by going to Product > Clean Build Folder. This will ensure that any existing files are removed before you install the new framework.
    5. Close Xcode and open Terminal.
    6. Navigate to your app’s directory in Terminal.
    7. Run the following command to check if you have CocoaPods installed: `pod -v`. If you do not have CocoaPods installed, run the following command to install it: `sudo gem install cocoapods`
    8. Run the following command to create a Podfile in your app’s directory: `pod init`
    9. Open the Podfile in a text editor and add the following line under the target section: `use_react_native!(options{})`
    10. Save the file and run the following command to install the Master Royale dependencies: `pod install`
    11. Open your app’s project in Xcode by running the following command: `open /YourApp.xcworkspace`
    12. Your app should now be ready for installation of Master Royale.

    Installing Master Royale

    Now that your app is prepared, it’s time to install Master Royale. Here are the steps to follow:

    1. In Xcode, go to File > New > File… and select “Cocoa Touch Class”.
    2. Name the class “MasterRoyale” and make sure it inherits from UIViewController.
    3. In the code for your new class, add the following import statement at the top of the file: `import MasterRoyale`
    4. Add the following code to your viewDidLoad method to initialize Master Royale:


    override func viewDidLoad() {


    // Initialize Master Royale
    let masterRoyale try! MasterRoyale(applicationId: "your-app-id", serverUrl: "")

  • Replace “your-app-id” with your app’s App ID and “” with the URL of your Master Royale server.
  • Run your app on an iOS device or simulator to see if Master Royale has been installed successfully.
  • You should now be able to use Master Royale in your app by importing it and using its various features.
  • Optimizing for Performance

    Now that you have Master Royale installed, it’s important to optimize your app for maximum performance. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

    • Use efficient data structures and algorithms when designing your game logic.
    • Minimize the amount of data that is sent over the network by using compression techniques and reducing the size of your game assets.
    • Use the latest version of Master Royale to take advantage of the latest performance improvements.

      Optimizing for Performance

      Real-Life Examples

      To help illustrate how Master Royale can be used in an iOS app, let’s look at a few real-life examples.

      Example 1: A Multiplayer Puzzle Game

      Imagine you are building a multiplayer puzzle game for iOS devices. You want users to be able to compete against each other in real-time, but you don’t want the game to lag or crash. Master Royale can help you achieve this by providing a stable and efficient platform for your game logic.

      Example 2: A Real-Time Strategy Game

      Another great example of how Master Royale can be used in an iOS app is a real-time strategy game. You want users to be able to build bases, train troops, and battle each other in real-time, but you don’t want the game to lag or crash. Master Royale can help you achieve this by providing a stable and efficient platform for your game logic.


      Here are some frequently asked questions about installing and using Master Royale in iOS apps:

      Q: What is the minimum version of iOS that Master Royale supports?

      A: Master Royale supports iOS 10 and later.

      Q: Can I use Master Royale with my existing codebase?

      A: Yes, Master Royale can be integrated with your existing codebase using Cocoa Touch or React Native.

      Q: Do I need to create a separate server for Master Royale?

      A: No, you can use the built-in server that comes with Master Royale or create your own server if you prefer.


      In conclusion, installing Master Royale in an iOS app is a straightforward process that can greatly enhance user engagement and retention rates. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can quickly and easily add multiplayer functionality to your app without needing extensive coding experience. And with its support for multiple devices, customization options, and efficient performance, Master Royale is the perfect choice for any iOS developer looking to build high-quality games or applications.