As an iOS developer, you know how important it is to stay on top of the latest features and updates in your operating system. One such feature that has recently been added to iOS 17 is the ability to customize your phone calls. In this article, we will explore how to take advantage of these new features and create a more personalized experience for your users.
Why Customize Your Phone Calls on iOS 17?
Customizing your phone calls on iOS 17 is important because it allows you to tailor the experience to your specific needs and preferences. For example, you might want to create a custom ringtone or add a custom contact image to make it easier to identify incoming calls from your contacts.
How to Customize Your Phone Calls on iOS 17
Changing Your Ringtone and Contact Image
The first step in customizing your phone calls on iOS 17 is to change your ringtone and contact image. To do this, open the Phone app and go to Contacts. Select the contact you want to customize and tap on their name. From there, select Customize Calling in the top right corner of the screen. You can choose from a selection of pre-made ringtones or create your own using a third-party app.
Once you have selected your new ringtone, you can also change the contact image to make it easier to identify incoming calls. To do this, simply select an image from your photo library or take a new one using the camera.
Customizing Call Routing
Another way to customize your phone calls on iOS 17 is by setting up custom call routing. This feature allows you to automatically send certain types of calls to voicemail or forward them to another phone number.
To set up custom call routing, open the Phone app and go to Settings. From there, select Calls and then Voicemail.
Under Custom Voicemail Greeting, select Voicemail Password
You can then record a new voicemail greeting or choose from one of the pre-made options after setting up your voicemail greeting. After that, you can set up call routing by selecting the Contact and selecting Routing. From there, you can choose to send calls to voicemail or forward them to another phone number.
Using Call Screening
Call screening is another useful feature that allows you to screen incoming calls before answering them. To use call screening, open the Phone app and wait for an incoming call. Once you receive the call, tap on Screen on the top right corner of the screen. This will put the caller on hold while you review their identity.
From there, you can choose to answer the call or end it. If you want to answer the call, simply tap Answer. If you want to end the call, tap Hang Up.
Customizing Your Voicemail Greeting
A custom voicemail greeting is another way to personalize your phone calls on iOS 17. To set up a custom voicemail greeting, open the Phone app and go to Settings. From there, select Calls and then Voicemail.
Under Custom Voicemail Greeting, select Voicemail Password
From there, you can choose to record a new greeting or select one of the pre-made options. Once you have recorded your new greeting, be sure to save it so that it is available for use. A custom voicemail greeting is a great way to add a personal touch to your phone calls and make them more memorable for your users.
Q: Can I customize my phone calls on iOS 17?
A: Yes, you can customize your phone calls on iOS 17 by changing your ringtone and contact image, setting up custom call routing, using call screening, and customizing your voicemail greeting.