How to activate standby mode in iOS 17

As an iOS developer, you may have noticed that your device’s battery life can be improved by activating standby mode. This feature allows your phone to conserve energy when it is not in use, which can help you last longer throughout the day without having to charge your device. In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about standby mode on iOS 17 and how to activate it for optimal battery life.

What is Standby Mode?

Standby mode is a feature that allows your iPhone to conserve energy when it’s not in use. When this mode is enabled, your phone will automatically go into a low-power state when you leave it idle for a period of time.

How to Activate Standby Mode on iOS 17

  1. Open the Settings app
  2. Scroll down and select Battery
  3. Toggle on Standby Mode

How to activate standby mode in iOS 17

Benefits of Activating Standby Mode

  • Improved Battery Life: The most obvious benefit of activating standby mode is that it helps to conserve energy and extend your phone’s battery life. This feature allows your device to go into a low-power state when you leave it idle, which can help to reduce the amount of power that your device consumes while it’s not in use.
  • Increased Performance: When standby mode is enabled on iOS 17, your phone will automatically enter a low-power state when it’s not in use. This means that your device will be less active, which can help to improve its performance by reducing the amount of work that it has to do.
  • Quieter Device: Standby mode also helps to quieten down your device when it’s not in use. When your phone is in this state, it consumes far less power than when it’s active, which can help to reduce the amount of noise that it makes.

Case Study: Activating Standby Mode on an iPhone 12 Pro Max

Let’s take a look at how activating standby mode on an iPhone 12 Pro Max can help improve battery life. We will use the example of a professional photographer who uses their iPhone 12 Pro Max for work throughout the day.

Day 1: No Standby Mode

On Day 1, the photographer will use their iPhone 12 Pro Max without enabling standby mode. They will shoot photos and videos, edit their work using various apps, and share it on social media. Throughout the day, they will monitor their phone’s battery life to see how it fares.

Day 2: Standby Mode Enabled

On Day 2, the photographer will enable standby mode on their iPhone 12 Pro Max before using it for work. They will follow the same routine as on Day 1, shooting photos and videos, editing their work, and sharing it on social media. Throughout the day, they will monitor their phone’s battery life to see how it fares with standby mode enabled.

Results: Improved Battery Life

At the end of each day, we will compare the photographer’s phone’s battery life to see how enabling standby mode helped to improve it. Based on our findings, we expect to see that activating standby mode helped to extend the iPhone 12 Pro Max’s battery life by several hours.

Best Practices for Using Standby Mode on iOS 17

  • Use Automatic Mode Switching: If you want to make the most of standby mode, you should enable automatic mode switching on your iPhone. This feature allows your device to automatically switch between different power modes, including standby mode, based on your usage patterns.
  • Enable Low Power Mode During the Day: While standby mode is great for extending battery life while your phone is not in use, it’s also a good idea to enable low power mode during the day if you know that you won’t be able to charge your device.
  • Avoid Leaving Your Phone Plugged In All Day: While leaving your iPhone plugged in all day may seem like a good way to keep it charged, it’s actually better for your phone’s battery if you let it discharge and recharge throughout the day. This helps to prevent the buildup of lithium-ion cells, which can lead to issues with battery life over time.


Here are a few commonly asked questions about standby mode on iOS 17:

What is Standby Mode?

Standby mode is a feature that allows your iPhone to conserve energy when it’s not in use. When this mode is enabled, your phone will automatically go into a low-power state when you leave it idle for a period of time.

How Do I Activate Standby Mode on iOS 17?

To activate standby mode on iOS 17, open the settings app and scroll down to battery. Toggle on automatic mode switching and enable low power mode during the day.

Does Using Standby Mode Extend Battery Life?

How to activate standby mode in iOS 17

Yes, using standby mode can help extend battery life by reducing the amount of power that your device consumes when it’s not in use.

Is It Better to Leave Your Phone Plugged In All Day or Let It Discharge and Recharge?

It’s better to let your iPhone discharge and recharge throughout the day rather than leaving it plugged in all day. This helps prevent the buildup of lithium-ion cells, which can lead to issues with battery life over time.